Ngrok is a service which gives you random url whenever you start a new tunnel. Clodflare tunnel is a free service that you can use as ngrok alternative.

You can create a temporary tunnel with random url

cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:3000

and it will be available under like

For long living tunnels which uses the same url you should use

cloudflared tunnel login
# when you authorize it will create ~/.cloudflared/cert.pem

# list all tunnels created on web
cloudflared tunnel list

# create tunnel and config.json file
cloudflared tunnel create mytunnel
# Tunnel credentials written to /home/dule/.cloudflared/asd....asd.json

cat > ~/.cloudflared/config.yaml << 'HERE_DOC'
url: http://localhost:8000
tunnel: mytunnel
credentials-file: ~/.cloudflared/asd....asd.json

# create DNS CNAME record to route to tunnel
cloudflared tunnel route dns mytunnel

# start the tunnel
cloudflared tunnel run mytunnel

# check tunnel status
cloudflared tunnel info mytunnel

If you install as a service than you need to stop that service

systemctl status cloudflared